Sunday, December 12, 2010

Born that We May Have Life


It's pretty much standard in today's society that parents want the best for their kids. Oops, that was wrong. They want better-than-they-had-it-best for their kids. That's really nice of them, huh? I think you'll agree that it's bittersweet when parents utter those kind words of a hopeful better world for their children.

Well, do you know what's even nicer? Jesus wanted the same for us, only instead of material and worldly things, he came so that we could have LIFE and have it more abundantly. Jesus, the baby, was given by God, the Father, to be that he could one day be the substitute for our sins. That is quite a hefty sacrifice, if you ask me!

"The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly." -John 10:10 

We as humans cannot even begin to imagine how abundant life really is. Our definitions do not even comprise the idea that Christ had in store when he sent his Son to die on the cross for us. I really did not start pondering on a deeper meaning of the word abundantly until recently. This verse comes in the middle of Jesus' "I am the Good Shepherd" statement. In a literal sense, He laid down as a good shepherd across a walkway, so that His sheep could have a more abundant life. Wow! That's great!

Now, my take (let's remember, it's not all-comprehensive to the ideas that God has in my for my life) on this abundant life is one that involves being joyful in everything, rich in His blessings, a giver and a friend- not only to those in need- but to His people, filled with meaningful actions purposely done to glorify His name!

What is your definition of this more abundant life? Since he has made such a great sacrifice for us, how are you making sure to live your life more abundantly each day?

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